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    ICD opens call for project for international mobility - PROM 2024

    15.01.2025 16:28
    Author: Dział Współpracy Międzynarodowej

    Logotypes - FERS, Poland, NAWA, EU

    The International Cooperation Department announces the opening of recruitment for the project implemented by the Medical University of Bialystok within the PROM programme - Short-term academic exchange (call 2024). As part of the project, students, doctoral students and employees of the Medical University of Bialystok can undertake international mobilities.

    In addition, the project makes it possible to invite a foreign doctoral student or foreign employee to the Medical University of Bialystok for international mobility at a selected UMB unit.

    Departures from MUB (or arrivals to the MUB) abroad may last a maximum of 10 days (in the case of students), 14 days (in the case of doctoral students) or 21 days (in the case of employees) including two days for the journey (round trip). In turn, the minimum duration of stay is 5. Only trips involving physical mobility are allowed. The PROM project is a unique opportunity to undertake your first or subsequent mobility abroad and to invite a guest from abroad who is a doctoral student or staff member.

    The aim of the mobility may be active participation in a conference abroad (including participation in a poster session), participation in short forms of education, i.e. courses including intensive ones included in the educational process, workshops, work placements or industrial internships, study visits, including those with entrepreneurs, or any other type of mobility. Mobility may be carried out to any country of the world, with the exception of the Russian Federation.

    Participants of the mobilities will receive funding in the form of lump sums, consisting of a stipend amount, a lump sum for travel costs (round trip) and a lump sum for subsistence and accommodation costs. The stipend rates depend on the duration of stay (counted in days), a type of a participant and the country to which the mobility takes place. In addition, it is possible to cover the cost related to the payment of the fee for participation in a short-term academic exchange (e.g. fees to participate in international conferences) up to the amount of PLN 5,000.

    Recruitment will be conducted on a continuous basis until 31.07.2025, and the project implementation will last until 30.09.2025. Due to the limited number of places, recruitment will be carried out until the limits set separately for each type of participant (national students from MUB), national PhD students from MUB), national employees from MUB, foreign PhD students, foreign employees) are reached, according to the indicators specified in the project proposal. The application forms will be evaluated by an Evaluation Committee.

    As a first step, we encourage you to familiarise yourself with the REGULATIONS OF PARTICIPATION IN THE PROJECT PROM 2024, which define all aspects of participation in the project, from recruitment to settlement of mobility.

    Detailed information, including the Regulations, lump sums and appendices to the Regulations, can be found in the PROM 2024/Recruitment tab on the subpage of the International Cooperation Department -,29944/Rekrutacja


    We encourage you to apply!

    International Cooperation Department

    Photo: @metamworks - stock.adobe


    PROM programme - short-term academic exchange is financed from the resources of the European Union under the project entitled “Short-term academic exchange as a solution for increasing the quality of education in the institutions of higher education and science” number FERS.01.05-IP.08-0218/23.

