Medical University of Bialystok. News.
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    Grunnlovsdagen in Białystok

    24.05.2023 12:32
    Autor: Dział Współpracy Międzynarodowej

    On May 17, the residents of Norway celebrate the most important day of the year - Grunnlovsdagen, which is the anniversary of the signing of the Norwegian constitution (in 1814). It is a very cheerful holiday, with colorful and loud parades, crowned with more or less boisterous parties.

    In Białystok, students from Norway (English Division) are also celebrating. Traditionally, they organize a procession through the city accompanied by a brass band (some people are in folk costumes). Even the rain that had been falling all day did not scare them away. They marched from the Opera House through Kościuszko Square to the Branicki Palace.
