Medical University of Bialystok. Rules & Regulations.
  • Updated 22.02.2024 by Administrator UMB

    Rules & Regulations

    Internal Rules & Regulations of the Department of Thoracic Surgery

    Clinical Surgery class curriculum for 6th year students of medicine.

    The class curriculum includes:
    1. Participation in  morning teaching rounds at hospital.
    2. Taking a history and physical examination of patients, plus differential diagnosis and other treatment options.
    3. Performing dressings procedures on patients treated in the clinic.
    4. Learning the basic life saving procedures (resuscitation, puncture and drainage of the pleural cavity, and the use of ventilators  after thoracic surgery or chest trauma).
    5. Student participation in diagnostic tests on patients, such as chest CT, PET-CT, bronchoscopy, EBUS-TBNA, chest ultrasonography, followed up with a discussion of diagnostic options in thoracic diseases and its organs.
    6. Viewing endoscopic examination (bronchoscopy, EBUS-TBNA) and thoracic surgery, including VATS and thoracoscopy.
    7. On the final  day of the course, students will be assessed for their history taking skills and for what they learned during the course.