Medical University of Bialystok. About us.
  • Updated 06.04.2021 by Klinika Pediatrii, Reumatologii, Immunologii i Chorób Metabolicznych Kości

    About us



    Department was founded in 2004 as the Department of Pediatrics and Developmental Disorders.

    Since 29 Apr 2016 in accordance with the decision of the Rector and the Senate of the Medical University of Bialystok (the Order nr 21/16 and the Resolution nr 46/16) the new name of the Department is: Department of Pediatrics, Rheumatology, Immunology and Metabolic Bone Diseases. This new wording of the name reflects precisely diagnostic and therapeutic area of activity and also scientific area of interest of research fellows.

    In the organisational structure of the Dept. are:

    • 20-bed inpatient ward for children hospitalized primarily with broad spectrum of rheumatological and immunological disorder,s and
    • 3 out-patient clinics providing medical care for patients with metabolic, immunological and rheumatological problems.


    The doctors employed in the Depatrment represent a broad spectrum of specializations: pediatritians, rheumatologists, clinical immunologists, allergologist and emergency medicine specialist. 


    Since 2014 the Head of the Department is: Prof. Jerzy Konstantynowicz, MD, PhD.