Uniwersytet Medyczny w Białymstoku. Teaching regulations.
  • Teaching regulations.
  • Ostatnia zmiana 12.09.2024 przez Zakład Medycyny Rodzinnej

    Teaching regulations

    Teaching regulations
    of the 5th and 6th year of the Faculty of Medicine
    of the subject: Family Medicine in the academic year 2023/2024


    1. Classes are held in the winter (year 6) and summer (year 5) semesters.
      Place of classes:
    • Collegium Familiare, Department of Family Medicine, 4B Mieszka I Street.
      Białystok, first floor.
    • Practice of family doctors in the area of Bialystok (detailed information on allocation to GP practices is given to students at the beginning of the block).
    1. For classes at Mieszka I 4B, students are required to wear a change of footwear, no need to bring aprons.
    2. Stethoscopes and aprons must be brought to classes in GP practices.
    3. Attendance is mandatory and is certified by the stamps and signatures of the instructors in the "exercise books" specially prepared and issued at the beginning of the block.

    Exercise books need to be submitted to the Departmental Secretariat after the end of the classes.


    1. The rules of excusing absences.

    It is allowed 1 absence from a class without excuse and the need to make up the total for the 5th and 6th year.

    In the case of additional absences (more than 1), you may attend a class on the same topic with a different block as part of the make up. Absences not made up will be credited at the end of the semester on a single date agreed with the Head of the year.

    You may not arrange to take oral examinations in other clinics and departments during family medicine class hours. This is contrary to the Academic Regulations.

    You are not required to make up and pass the exercises in case of absences due to Deans’ leaves (with a note „without making up” or hospitalisation - up to three days). Absences for 5 exercise days per block may result in the need to repeat the semester in the following academic year.


    1. Grading rules for students in the subject of family medicine.

    The final grade in the course depends on the number of points obtained from the final examination in the 6th year.
    Family Medicine classes will conclude with an EXAM at the end of the blocks at a date agreed with the Head of the year. The exam will consist of 50 MCQs (1 point for each correct answer and 11 short open questions, scored from 0 to 2). A maximum of 72 marks can be obtained from the exam.


    Point system




    Maximum number of points to score

    Final exam

    50 test tasks


    11 open questions

    50 points


    22 points

    Maximum number of points


    50+22 = 72

    Additional points

    conferences, scientific or educational activities, presentations organised by the Department of Family Medicine


    Extra points are an additional bonus and are not included in the calculation of the minimum required to pass the course.


    To receive credit students are required to:


    • obtaining a minimum of 43 points
    • making up or passing all absences
    • submission of exercise books
    • preparation and performance of a presentation on an agreed topic


    Final evaluation according to the total number of points obtained


    number of points















    Students have the right to inspect their written work at a time specified by the Head of the Department or their designees.

    More information is available on our website:



    Recommended Literature:


    Robert E. Rakel. Textbook of Family medicine. Saunders 2015