Medical University of Bialystok. Lectures.
  • Updated 17.11.2016 by Zakład Biologii Medycznej



    I-Making the Human Body Feel Like Home part 1:

    Parasitism. Ecological interactions: parasitic relationships, humans and parasites-history, background info on parasites, parasite modes of entry, spread and tropisms, mechanisms for evading the host response.

    Parasitic Protists: classification, structure, anatomy, life cycle, specialization, habitat, adaptations.

    II-Making the Human Body Feel Like Home part 2:

    Parasitic Helminthes, classification, Platyhelminthes, (Trematoda, Cestoda), structure, anatomy, life cycle, specialization, habitat, adaptations, examples.

    III-Making the Human Body Feel Like Home part 3”:

    Parasitic helminthes, classification, Nemathelminthes, Nematoda, structure, life cycle, specialization, habitat, adaptations, examples

    IV-Arthropods.  Parasitic Arthropoda, structure, life cycle, specialization, habitat, adaptations, examples, vectors of diseases (examples).