Medical University of Bialystok. Announcements.
  • Updated 11.04.2024 by Zakład Patologii Ogólnej i Doświadczalnej



    Białystok, 11.04.2024

    Third online seminar planned on 12th April 2024 has been rescheduled
    and it will be held on 19th April, at 16.00


    Białystok, 03.04.2024

    Third online seminar planned on 8th April 2024 has been rescheduled
    and it will be held on 15th April, at 16.00


    Consultation hour will be held on Friday, 5th April 2024, at 16.00
    in the Department of General and Experimetal Pathology,
    room 373 - Exercise 6
    room 372 - Exercise 7

    room 371 - Exercise 8


    Białystok, 29.03.2024

    Third pathophysiology partial test will take place 
    on 8th April 2024 (Monday), at 14.30
    in the lecture hall of Collegium Universum


    Białystok, 20.02.2024

    Second pathophysiology partial test for Students absent on 23.01.2024
    will start 
    on 22nd February 2024 (Thursday), at 15.00
    in the Department of General and Experimetal Pathology, room 371.


    Białystok, 13.02.2024

    Second pathophysiology partial test for Students absent on 23.01.2024
    will take place 
    on 22nd February 2024 (Thursday), at 14.30
    in the Department of General and Experimetal Pathology, room 371.


    Białystok, 16.01.2024

    Consultation hour will be held on Monday, 22nd January 2024, at 13.30
    in the Department of General and Experimetal Pathology, room 373.

    Pathophysiology seminar from 22nd January 2024 been rescheduled
    and it will take place on 29.01.2024.


    Białystok, 21.11.2023

    Consultation hour will be held on Thursday, 23rd November 2023, at 15.00
    in the Department of General and Experimetal Pathology


    Białystok, 10.11.2023

    First pathophysiology partial test will take place 
    on 28th November 2022 (Tuesday), at 14.30
    in the lecture hall of Collegium Universum