Uniwersytet Medyczny w Białymstoku. Drug and Alcohol abuse prevention policy.
  • Drug and Alcohol abuse prevention policy. English Division student
  • Ostatnia zmiana 01.04.2021 przez Administrator UMB

    Drug and Alcohol abuse prevention policy

    Drug and Alcohol abuse prevention policy

    ul. Kilińskiego 1, 15-089 Białystok
    Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Policy
    Effective date : September 2 , 2014

    1. Health Risks
    The abuse of drugs and alcohol can lead to a variety of serious consequences including: poor academic performance, poor decision making, poor morale, work errors, wasted time and materials, damage to equipment; theft; accidents which injure the drug abuser; accidents which put employees and students at risk of injury; and may lead to disciplinary action, prosecution, illness, and even death. Abusers of these substances experience depression, isolation, loss of memory, loss of coordination, impaired judgment, reduced morale, anxiety, paranoia and low self-esteem.
    2. Philosophy
    The unlawful use of drugs or abuse of other drugs and alcohol is inconsistent with the behavior expected of members of the university community. The university is committed to the development and maintenance of a drug-free environment on the campus as well as an environment that prohibits the abuse of other drugs and alcohol and has a drug and alcohol abuse prevention program in operation, accessible to all members of the university community. The university is committed to the further expansion of that program and the dissemination of drug awareness information to the members of the university community.
    3. Policy
    It is the policy of the university that illicit drug use, including the manufacture ,sale, distribution, possession or use, is prohibited in the workplace, on the campus, or as part of any university activities.
    According to this policy it is illegal being under the influence of alcohol, illegal or controlled substances at any University property or at any University sanctioned event. Sanctions imposed for violation of this policy are indicated below.
    4. Application of Policy
    In support of this policy, the University:

    A. Has established a drug free and alcohol abuse awareness program to inform its faculty, staff, and students about the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse in the workplace, the university's policy of maintaining a drug free workplace and a workplace which prohibits the illicit use of alcohol, available counseling, rehabilitation, or other assistance programs, and the penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug and alcohol abuse violations.
    B. All faculty, staff, and students will be notified of this policy through appropriate publications and websites. A copy of this policy will be available to each student and employee on their request. University will notify each university employee and each student that, as a condition of employment, the person, once so employed, must abide by the terms of this policy, and must notify his/her supervisor and the Office of Human Resources of any criminal drug/alcohol statute conviction for a violation occurring in the University.
    C. Will impose sanctions after the disciplinary proceeding, or require the satisfactory participation in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program. Sanctions imposed on employees for violation of this policy may include reprimand, reprimand with a warning, suspension of certain rights of the student for a period of up to one year, a reprimand with the deprivation of the right to perform management functions at the university for a period of up to five years, deprivation of the right to pursue academic profession permanently or for a specified period, termination of employment / expulsion from the university,
    D. Will make a good faith effort to continue to maintain an environment that complies with the drug free workplace and school
    E. Will conduct a biennial review of its programs to assess their effectiveness, what changes need to be made, and to ensure the uniform application of sanctions to employees and students
    5. Implementation
    Implementation of this policy is a joint responsibility of the Rector, the Deans, the Chancellor, Disciplinary proceedings representative for student affairs, the Head of each Department Unit and Students Affairs Office.
    6. Penalties for Violation of the Policy
    The university policy prohibiting the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol on the campus and at university-sponsored events held off campus is for the support and protection of employees and students of the Medical University of Bialystok. The employee/student may be required to participate in a satisfactory manner in a drug and alcohol assistance or rehabilitation program. Therefore, each employee, PhD student, student, who proved a violation of unlawful possession, use or distribution of prohibited substances will be subject to disciplinary proceeding on the basis of the existing provisions on disciplinary responsibility of teachers, students and doctoral students. Head of the department, who suspects that an employee, student (PhD student ) may violate the required rules or be under the influence
    of intoxicants notify about his assumption Occupational Health and Safety Inspectorate ( BHP) of the Medical University of Bialystok. Other information for employees regarding disciplinary action and appropriate procedures are available in the Department of Employees Affairs, and for students and doctoral students in the Dean's offices of appropriate Departments of Medical University of Bialystok, and the Department of Student Affairs.
    Detailed procedures with regard to disciplinary matters are included in: - Directive of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, December 6, 2006. on the detailed procedure of the investigation and disciplinary action against students (Journal. Laws No. 236, item.1707). - Directive of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of 14 March 2007. on the detailed procedure of the investigation and disciplinary action against teachers (Journal. Laws No. 58, item. 391).
    Drug Convictions and Student Financial Aid (applies to American students)
    The Higher Education Act of 1965 suspends aid eligibility for students who have been convicted under federal or state law of the sale or possession of drugs, if the offense occurred during a period of enrollment for which the student was receiving Federal Student Aid ( grants, loans).

    More info : http://studentaid.ed.gov
    Counseling Services for Students
    Students who seek or are advised to pursue counseling are referred to a local facility that can offer them the assistance they need. The following are the services that refers students to for counseling :
    E mail : student.counselling@umb.edu.pl
    School counsellor: Barbara Polityńska–Lewko PhD , a fully trained clinical psychologist

    More info at : http://www.umb.edu.pl/en/s,7751/Student_counselling

    Disciplinary procedures:
    -The complaint must be prepared in writing.
    -The complaint should include the nature of the infraction, the date, time, location,
    names of students, faculty and/or staff or witnesses should be included.
    - Complaints should be submitted in a timely manner and should account for no more than 5 days after the alleged infraction, unless there are important circumstances requiring more time which should be documented.