- Entry to a hospital ward is granted solely to students who are to currently have classes in that Department according to the time schedule. Providing access to third parties is forbidden.
- Outer wear (cloaks, coats) as well as purses/backpacks/knapsacks are strictly forbidden as dress while on Department grounds.
- Students are not allowed to be present in operating rooms/minor surgery rooms nor are allowed to undertake any medical procedures without the approval/supervision of the lecturer responsible for the given class/exercise.
- Students are required to behave appropriately, calmly, and with due respect for the (pediatric) patients, their parents/guardians, and hospital staff.
- Students are required to possess a clean a whitecoat (doctor’s coat), a change of shoe ware, and an identification tag containing at minimum: name and surname, faculty name, and the term ‘student’.
- Students are required to adhere to all aseptic and antiseptic procedures/prophylaxes. Appropriate washing of hands and preparation of (medical) equipment, such as stethoscopes, is to be performed before and after each contact with a patient or procedures. In cases of evident contamination/dirtying of hands, it is recommended to thoroughly wash them. Personal protection equipment (gloves, protective gowns), products, disinfectants are to be used according to their intended uses.
- Instructions for proper usage of protective equipment/clothing, proper usage of disinfectants (including materials and methods used for body surfaces and/or equipment) are available at the Departments and are discussed during the first classes.
- Students with signs and/or symptoms of infections are required to inform the lecturer responsible for the given class so that appropriate protection clothing and procedures may be undertaken.
- The lecturer responsible for the class must be informed immediately of any injuries or contact with biological materials.
- Gloves, tongue depressors, and other single-use equipment are to be disposed of into the appropriate bins immediately after use (red bins/bags)
- Personal jewerly on the hands is to be taken off when physically examining a patient.
- We kindly ask that attention be paid to the safety and welfare of the children on the ward during classes, especially paying attention to beds and guardrails to prevent accidents such as a child falling out of a bed.
- It is absolutely forbidden to remove any medical equipment/devices from the Departments as well as, and especially, any biologically contaminated materials
- No food or drink is allowed on Department wards (including but not limited to chewing gum). A No Smoking ban is in effect on the entire Children’s Clinical University Hospital premises, including e-cigarettes.
- Students are not allowed to use any sources of fire/flame, especially near sources of oxygen.
- Students are obliged to inform the lecturer responsible for the class or other hospital staff of any uncontrolled sources of flame/fire or any other safety hazards that are in the general area where didactic classes are taking place must be.
- Fire extinguishers, appropriately coloured red, are situated throughout the Departments/Hospital.
- In the case of an evacuation, instructions given by the person coordinating the evacuation are to be followed.
- Every physician is obliged to provide assistance/care in cases where immediate medical attention is required and the physician has been informed of such a situation. Anaphylaxis kits and (wound) dressings are located in the ‘minor surgery’ rooms in the Departments.