Medical University of Bialystok. COVID-19.
  • Updated 09.04.2021 by Zakład Medycyny Sądowej






    1. Do not come to class with any sign of infection.

    2. Do not come to class if in quarantine or living with an infected person.

    3. Keep a distance of 2 metres between classes.

    4. You have to wear a mouth and nose protection (a face mask or shield) to be allowed in class.

    5. Disinfect your hands before class.

    6. Avoid bringing unnecessary things to class, such as mobile phones or tablets.

    7. The Department provides a space for personal belongings, which will be stored in plastic bags.

    8. Classrooms will be ventilated for 15 minutes in 45-minute intervals. Training is resumed after every ventilation period.

    9. Training rooms and sites will be disinfected before and after class hours every day.

    10. Any health concerns should be reported by e-mail to before class, so as to protect people from infection!