Medical University of Bialystok. Education.
  • Updated 05.03.2021 by Zakład Histologii i Embriologii




    1-year course; 2nd semester; 2020/2021


    1. class: The circulatory system (The blood vascular system). (22.02.; 24.02. 2021)

    Slide no. 45. –Heart. H+E staining (Hematoxylin and Eosin).

    Slide no. 61. - Capillaries, postcapillaries and precapillaries (A demonstrational histological specimen of rat mesentery) H+E stain.

    Slide no. 62. – Muscular artery + vein, stained with H+E. demonstrational histological specimen. H+E stain.

    Slide no. 63. – Artery and vein stained orcein and resorcin-fucsin (elastic membranes and fibers) – a demonstrational histological specimen.

    Slide no. 64. – Aorta stained H+E.

    Slide no. 65. – Aorta stained with orcein and resorcin-fucsin (elastic membranes and fibers).

    Slide no. 66.Endothelium; Venous valves H+E.


    I. Practical class:The immune system; lymphoid organs + bone marrow. (01.03.; 03.03.; 2021)

    Slide no. 68.- Lymph node. H+E stain.

    Slide no. 69. - Palatine tonsil.H+E stain.

    Slide no. 70.- Spleen. H+E stain.

    Slide no. 71. - Bone marrow.H+E stain.

    Slide no. 72. – Thymus. H+E stain.

    Or slide no. 126. – Thymus+ thyroid gland + trachea + esophagus. H+E stain.


    II. Practical class: Endocrine system I. (08.03.; 10.03.;2021)

    Slide no. 77. - Hypophysis. H+E stain.

    Slide no. 78. - Hypophysis. Stained with Haskell method.

    Slide no. 79.Isles of Langerhans are surunded by pancreatic acinar cells, stained with Gomori’s trichrome method – Scott’s modification – the demonstrational histological specimen.

    Slide no. 121. –Pineal gland. H+E stain – the demonstrational histological specimen.

    Slide no. 73. –Thyroid gland H+E.

    Slide no. 74. - Thyroid gland – [thyroid parafollicular (C) cells– silver impregnation (stain)].

    Slide no. 75. - Suprarenal gland. H+E stain.

    Slide no. 76.- Suprarenal gland. Azan stain.


    IV. Practical class: Digestive glands (Organs associated with the digestive tract). (15.03.; 17.03.; 2021)

    Slide no. 80. Salivary glands(parotid gland, sublingual gland and submandibular = submaxillary gland) Azan or H+E stain.

    Slide no. .81- Rat pancreas. H+E stain.

    Slide no. 82. - Pig liver.H+E stain.

    Slide no. .83. - Human liver. H+E stain.

    Slideno. 4. - The glycogenappears as fine or coarse dark-carmine granules in hepatocytes. Best’s Carmine stain.

    Slide no. 84. Browicz-Kupffer cellscan be seen inside the sinusoid capillares in liver section. Toluidine blue or Indian ink (in vivo) stain - the demonstrationalhistological specimen.


    V. Practical class: Digestive tract – I part – the oral cavity (mouth), esophagus, stomach. (22.03.; 24.03.; 2021)

    Slide no. 85.Oral lip. H+E stain.

    Slide no. 86. – Filiform and fungiform papillaeof tongue. H+E stain.

    Slide no. 87. – Tongue – circumvallate papillae. H+E stain.

    Slide no. 88. - Tongue – foliate papillae. H+E stain.

    Side no. 89. – Esophagus. H+E stain.

    Slide no. 90– Longitudinal section of esophagogastric junction (“passage”). Note the abrupt change in the epithelium lining from stratified squamous in the esophagus to columnar in the stomach. Note also the compound tubular mucous-secreting cardiac gland in the mucous membrane of the stomach. H+E stain.

    Slide no. 91. – Gastric gland propers(fundic glands). H+E stain.


    VI. Practical class: Digestive tract – II part (Duodenum, smal intestine - jejunum, large ntestine, appendix) (29.03.; 31.03.; 2021)

    Slide no. 92. - Duodenum – showing intestinal villi, intestinal glands (crypts or Lieberkűhn glands) and duodenal glands (Brunner’s glands).

    Slide no. 93.- Jejunum. Note the long villi and intestinal glands.

    Slide no. 94. - Ileum. Note the aggregated lymphatic nodules (Peyer’s patches). H+E stain.

    Slide no. 95. - Large intestine– the longitudinal section of the colon. Note the absence of villi and the presence of long, straight mucous glands (crypts of Lieberkűhn). H+E stain.

    Slide no. 97. - Appendix. H+E stain.

    Review of histological specimens from 1 to 5 classes.

    VII. The practical part of  partial test IV (05.04 To bee agrred.2021)


    VIII. Practical class: The urinary system. (11.04.; 14.04.; 2021)

    Slide no. 98. – Kidney (Renal). H+E stain.

    Slide no. 98+99. – Renal corpuscles. H+E stain.

    Slide no. 100. – Ureter.H+E stain or stained with van Gieson,s methods. Demonstrationalslide.

    Slide no. 101. - Urinary bladder. Azan stain.


    IX. Practical class: The male reproductive system. (19.04.; 21.04.; 2021)

    Slide no. 109. - Testis– fragment of a testis showing numerous seminiferous tubules cut in cross section. Note that each tubule is lined with several layers of cells. Only an occasional spermatozoon can be seen, Note also the Leydig cells in the intrestitial connective tissue. H+E stain.

    Slide no. 110. - Epididymisis situated near the testis in histological specimens. Headof the epididymis is composed through the efferent ductules of testis. The efferent ductules is lined with columnar epithelium composed of groups ciliated cells and nonciliated cuboidal cells. These ductules now join to form a single, highly coiled tube called the duct of the epididymisand is presented to form the bodyand the tail of the epididymis. The ductus epididymis is lined with pseudostratified columnar epithelium. H+E stain.

    Slide no. 111. - Ductus (vas) deferens= deferent duct. The cross sections of the ductus deferens, showing the very thick muscular wall and the small lumen. H+E stain.


    X. Practical class: The female reproductive system. ( 26. 04.; 28.04.; 2021)

    Slide no. 102. - Ovary – corpus luteum. H+E stain.

    Slide no. 3or 103. - Ovary ovarian follicles. H+E stain.

    Slide no. 104. - Oviduct. H+E stain.

    Slide no. 105. - Uterus– corpus (body). H+E stain. Demonstrationalslide.

    Slide no. 106. - Uterine cervix(neck of the uterus). H+E stain. Demonstrationalslide.

    Slide no. 107. - Villious placenta. H+E or van Gison’s method stain.


    XI. Practical class: Respiratory system (distal respiratory tract) + skin. (03.05.; 05.05.; 2021)

    Slide no. 112or 126. - Trachea. H+E stain.

    Slide no. 113. - Lungs– pulmonary parenchyma.H+E stain.

    Slide no. 114. - Pulmonary hilus (hilus of the lung). H+E stain.

    Slide no. 115. - Hairy skin. H+E stain.

    Slide no. 116. – Nonhairy skin. H+E stain. Demonstrationalslide.


    XII. Practical class: Special sense organs  (10.05.; 12.05.; 2021)

    Slide no. 124. – The eye. Draw the following: a) diagram of the eye ball, b) the retina, c) cornea. H+E stain.

    Slide no. 125. – The ear.Draw the following: a) section of the cochlea – low magnification, b) section of the spiral organ of Corti – high magnification, c) schematic diagram of the detailed structure of the spiral organ of Corti.Review of histological specimens from 8-to 12 classes.

    XIII. The practical part of  partial test V.  (17.05.;.2021)                 

    XIV. Reviev of slides. Part I  (24.05.; 26.05.; 2021)

    XV.  Reviev of slides. Part II  (31.05.; 01.06.; 2021)

    Data retakes credits will be set with course coordinator

    Data retakes credits will be set with course coordinator

    Punkty za ponowne zaliczenie danych zostaną ustalone z koordynatorem kursu

    Date retakes credits will be set with course coordinator

    Data powtórzeń zaliczeń zostanie ustalona z koordynatorem kursu

    Nie mogę wczytać wszystkich wyników

    Ponów próbę

    Ponawianie próby

    Ponawianie próby


    XVI. Final  practical exam   (   18. 06. 2021 )














    Didactic activity:



    • Teaching of histology, embryology and cytophysiology for students in the Medical Department, Department of Stomatology and the English Medical Division.