Articles should be written in English (either British or American spelling). Authors whose native language is not English are strongly advised to have their manuscripts checked by a professional translator or a native speaker prior to submission.
All articles are reviewed by two external experts. Additionally, all papers are reviewed by members of the Editorial Board. For more information about Peer-Review Process, find The Review Process and Review Form.
The average time for initial manuscript evaluation - 7 days
The average time manuscript review is 30 days
The average time in which an article is published - 90 days
Authors who have an ORCId number are asked to insert it in the form TRANSFER OF COPYRIGHT and PUBLISHING STATEMENT PROGRESS IN HEALTH SCIENCES
Submitted article should be free of falsification and plagiarism. More details can be found at:
Instruction for authors in pdf version « more [120]
Total volume of paper should not be exceed | Number of references | Number of figures or tables | |
Research articles | 3.000 words * | 30 | 6 |
Review article | 4.000 words * | 50 | 6 |
Case report articles | 1.500* | 10 | 3 |
Short communications article | 1.000* | 10 | 3 |
Letters | 1.000* | 5 | no |
Key words | 3-6 use terms from the Medical Subject Headings list from Index Medicus ( |
*Title page, figures, tables, and references are excluded
Anti-Plagiarism Policy
Progress in Health Sciences regards plagiarism as a very serious offence.
Plagiarism is defined as the unacknowledged use of the work of others as if this were your own original work.
Examples of plagiarism:
- Copying and pasting from the Internet and posting somewhere else without proper citation
- Copying exact wording from another person’s text
- Using another person’s photo, diagram, tables, sounds, or ideas without proper citation
- Presenting research in your own words without providing references
- Purchasing another person’s text and using it as your own
- Presenting ideas in the same format and order as your work source
By submitting paper for publication to the journal, Author(s) certify that:
- I/We are fully aware that plagiarism is wrong
- I/We know that plagiarism is the use of another person’s idea or published work and to pretend that it is one’s own.
- I/ We declare that each contribution to your project from the work(s) of other peoples published works or unpublished sources have been acknowledged and source of information have been referenced.
- I/We certify that you are solely responsible for any incomplete reference that may remain in my/our work.
Anti-plagiarism declaration:
I have read and understood Progress in Health Sciences rules on plagiarism. I hereby declare that this piece of written work is the result of my own independent scholarly work, and that in all cases material from the work of others (in books, articles, essays, dissertations, and on the internet) is acknowledged, and quotations and paraphrases are clearly indicated. No material other than that listed has been used. This written work has not previously or not yet been published.
RODO (General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR) - personal data
- Please be advised that your data is processed by the editors of the Progress in Health Sciences journal.
- Part of the data of the authors, reviewers, members of the scientific council of the journal, name and surname, scientific affiliation, employment address, business e-mail address are publicly available on our websites, in online magazines and dissemination only with related scientific articles.
- The personal data of the authors, reviewers, members of the scientific council of the journal will be kept during the implementation of editorial tasks (publication of scientific articles), as long as there will be a journal Progress in Health Sciences.
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- Lack of consent to share the above data results in the inability to carry out our tasks, that is, publishing scientific articles.
- A person participating in the publishing process of Editorial and Publishing Committee of the Progress in Health Sciences is required to submit a statement regarding the consent for the processing of personal data necessary to carry out the publishing process and dissemination of the article by the Publisher (Medical University of Bialystok).
- The author submitting work on behalf of himself and his co-authors is required to obtain their prior written consent for the processing of personal data and to provide it to the Publisher.
- The author submitting the work (and possible co-authors) is required to conclude an agreement concerning the transfer the copyrights of the work to the Publisher (Authors’ Contributions Form; Transfer of Copyright and Publishing Statement).
- The contract form, after downloading from the editorial system, printing, and signing by the Author (all co-authors). The contract form after scanning must be entered into this system during the submission of the work or sent to the editor's address.
- In regard to the processing by the editors of your data you have the number of rights - you can: get information about how and to what extent we process your data or request a rectification of your data (if they are misspelled or if you have changed), remove them (if not has a basis for us to process them);
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