Medical University of Bialystok. TEACHING PROGRAM.
  • 08.10.2024 Zakład Chemii Medycznej



    Chemistry lectures will be held on line on Thursdays at 15.15 – 16.27 in form of webinars on Blackboard educational platform

    Lecturers: prof. dr hab. Anna Galicka/ dr hab. Iwona Radziejewska


    Lecture 1 - 3.10.2024

    Lecture 2   -  10.10.2024

    Lecture 3   -  17.10.2024

    Lecture 4   -  24.10.2024

    Lecture 5   -  31.10.2024




    Laboratories (20 hours) take place on Wednesdays and Thursdays in Department of Medical Chemistry

    Teachers: prof. dr hab. Anna Galicka, dr hab. Iwona Radziejewska


    group 1 – labroom 1; 8.00 - 10.40 (Wednesdays) 

    group 2 – labroom 2; 8.00 - 10.40 (Wednesdays) 

    group 3 – labroom 1; 11.45 - 14.25 (Wednesdays) 

    group 4 - labroom 2; 11.45 - 14.25 (Wednesdays) 

    group 5 - labroom 1; 8.00 - 10.40 (Thursdays) 

    group 6 - labroom 2; 8.00 - 10.40 (Thursdays) 

    group 7 - labroom 1; 11.25 - 14.25 (Thursdays)


    Laboratory 1  - 16,17.10.2024

    Laboratory 2  - 6,7.11.2024

    Laboratory 3  - 20,21.11.2024

    Laboratory 4  -  4,5.11.2024

    Laboratory 5  - 11,12.12.2024




    Seminars (2 hours) will be held in the Student Dormitory No. 1, in room No. 04 or 2


    Seminar 1

                     23.10.2024 (Wednesday) at 8.20 - 9.05 (groups 1,2)

    23. 10. 2024 (Wednesday) at 11.45 - 12.30 (groups 3,4)

    24.10.2024 (Thursday) at 8.20 - 9.05 (groups 5,6)

    24.10.2024 (Thursday) at 11.45 - 12.30 (group 7)


     Seminar 2

                     27.11.2024 (Wednesday) at 8.20 - 9.05 (groups 1,2)

    27. 11. 2024 (Wednesday) at 11.45 - 12.30 (groups 3,4)

    28.11.2024 (Thursday) at 8.20 - 9.05 (groups 5,6)

                28.11.2024 (Thursday) at 11.45 - 12.30 (group 7)


    During all laboratory classes students are obliged to change shoes, wear white aprons


    On each laboratory students should have Hand outs; they can be printed from the links below

    Starting from Lab 1 students should be prepared - see Problems for preparation


    Consulting hours: Mondays 11.00 - 12.00; room 103 (dr hab. Iwona Radziejewska) or in other terms fixed with the teachers



    Lab 1 (16,17. 10. 2024) 


    Practical part:

    1. Laboratory regulations and safety rules.
    2. Characteristic reactions of biologically important ions: Na+, K+, Ag+, Ca2+, Ba2+, Cu2+, Fe2+, Fe3+, CO32, SO42, Cl, I, PO43                                                                                                                                                      

            Description is presented in handout - Laboratory 1


    Problems for preparation:.

    1. Elemental composition of inorganic and organic matter. Division, properties and significance of elements in human body. 
    2. Structure, physicochemical properties and significance of water in human organism. Distribution of water and electrolytes in the human body, water-electrolyte equilibrium. 
    3. Main reactions used for detection of biologically important ions (listed above; handout for Lab 1).


    Seminar 1 (23,24.10.2024)


    Calculations concerning pH and buffer solutions




    Lab 2 (6,7.11.2024) 


    Practical part:

    1. The influence of common ion on dissociation of weak acid and base.
    2. Calculations of dissociation degree and dissociation constant of weak electrolytes.

    Description is presented in a handout - Laboratory 2.

    Students should have their own calculators !


    Problems for preparation:

    1. Ion constant product of water.

    2. Bronstedt-Lowry theory of acids and bases, the strength of acids and bases.

    3. Dissociation constant and dissociation degree, pH calculations. Salt hydrolysis. 

    4. Calculations – dissociation constant, dissociation degree, pH of electrolytes (examples - handout for lab 2)



    Lab 3 (20,21.11.2024) 


    Practical part:

    1. Preparing buffer mixtures, pH measurements.
    2. Examining the influence of the ration between acid and salt in the buffer mixure on pH of buffer solution.
    3. Examining the influence of buffers concentration on pH and buffer capacity.

    Description is presented in a handout - Laboratory 3.


    Problems for preparation:

    1. Buffers - mechanisms of pH stabilization, buffer capacity. 
    2. The sources and concentration of H+ in extra and intracellular fluids. pH of body fluids and mechanisms responsible for maintaing of acid-base equilibrium. Buffers of the human body. 
    3. Disturbances in acid-base equilibrium (acidosis and alcalosis) and their influence on water-electrolyte metabolism (K+ distribution). 
    4. Calculations – pH of buffers, buffer capacity (examples - handout for lab 3)



    Seminar 2 (27,28.11.2024)


    Calculations concerning different types of concentration and colligative properties of solutions



    Lab 4 (4,5.12.2024) 


    Practical part:

    1.  Quantitative determination of hydrogen peroxide in the solution.
    2.  Determination of antioxidative potential of selective antioxidants.

             Description is presented in a handout - Laboratory 4.


    Problems for preparation:

    1. Oxygen free radicals – structure, formation, examples of the effects of their action in the human body and the ways of their elimination. 
    2.  Solutions - types, solubility, solubility product, different types of solution concentrations.
    3.  Calculations – solubility, concentrations (examples - handout for lab 4)



    Lab 5 (11,12.12.024)

    1.  Preparation of real solution, dilutions.
    2.  Preparation of hydrophylic and hydrophylic colloid; comparing coagulation of both colloids.
    3.  Examining protective priperties of hydrophobic colloids.
    4.  Observation of osmotic pressure formation.

              Description is presented in Laboratory 5


    Problems for preparation:

            1Colligative properties of solutions. 

            2. Rault's law and its application. 

            3. Diffusion, osmosis, osmotic and oncotic pressure. Osmotic equilibrium of the organism. 

       4. Colloidal solutions; lyophobic and lyophilic colloids. Colloids of the body, the influence of proteins on distribution of electrolytes in body fluids (Donnan equilibrium). The significance of Donnan equilibrium in processes occuring in living organisms. 

             6. Calculations - colligative properties of solutions, Donnan equilibrium (examples presented in handout 5)


    Final Test (exact date will be fixed with the students) (2 hours)


    The final test includes subjects from lectures, seminars and classes.


    Students should have calculators for final test. Using mobile phones for calculations is strictly forbidden !