Medical University of Bialystok. NEWS.
  • 23.01.2025 Zakład Chemii Medycznej



    The second term of the final Chemistry credit is scheduled at 31 January (Friday) at 13.30 in the lecture hall 223 in Collegium Primum (the same building as Medical Chemistry Department, second floor)

    Form of the credit - Open questions


    According to the Rector's rules, bringing phones or other electronic devices which have possibility of connction to the internet, into the hall in which there is credit, is strictly prohibited.

    Such devices must be left at the entrance into the hall in off line mode.

    If anyone doesn't follow the rules, he/she ends writing with no credit.


    To be admitted to the second term of the credit students must collect 15 points from written lab tests


    There will be possibility to repeat test(s) from which the students had the lowest number of points in the time mentioned below.


    28,29 January    10.00 - 12.00