Medical University of Bialystok. Prog Health Sci 2015, 5 (2).
  • 27.12.2019 Progress in Health Sciences

    Prog Health Sci 2015, 5 (2)

    Current Issue  Prog Health Sci 2015, 5(2) - 30 December, 2015


    Pages 1-6 - more



    1. Suicide Probability in University Students
      Authors: Özel Y, Türkleş S, Erdoğan S
      pages: 7-15
      Abstract (PDF [0])     Full Article (PDF [4])     Full Article (HTML [0])
    2. Aligning Executive Incentives with Global Public Health Goals
      Authors: Pearce JM., Denkenberger DC
      pages: 16-23
      Abstract (PDF [2])     Full Article (PDF [3])     Full Article (HTML [0])
    3. The clinical importance of Helicobacter pylori antigens detected in the dental plaque and feces
      Authors: Namiot A, Leszczyńska K, Namiot DB, Bucki R, Kemona A, Chilewicz M,  Namiot Z
      pages: 24-29
      Abstract (PDF [1])     Full Article (PDF [4])     Full Article (HTML [0])
    4. Variety of food intake measured with Food Intake Variety Questionnaire (FIVeQ) and nutritional status of Polish adolescents aged 13-15 years
      Authors: Jaroch A, Nowak D, Kędziora-Kornatowska K
      pages: 30-40
      Abstract (PDF [1])     Full Article (PDF [4])     Full Article (HTML [0])
    5. Role of quality in healthcare service provision process
      Authors: Olkiewicz M, Bober B
      pages: 41-53
      Abstract (PDF [1])     Full Article (PDF [5])     Full Article (HTML [0])
    6. Lipid peroxidation and antioxidant protection in patients with papulo-pustular rosacea
      Authors: Khvoryk D., Yarmolik A.
      pages: 54-60
      Abstract (PDF [1])     Full Article (PDF [4])     Full Article (HTML [0])
    7. The quality of life of women suffering from Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
      Authors: Stadnicka G, Łepecka-Klusek C, Kulesza-Brończyk B , Pilewska-Kozak A B
      pages: 61-68
      Abstract (PDF [1])     Full Article (PDF [3])     Full Article (HTML [0])
    8. Psychological, physical, and social situation of patients  with Hodgkin Lymphoma undergoing radical chemoradiotherapy e
      Authors: Hempel D, Politynska B, Danilewicz A, Sierko E, Wojtukiewicz MZ
      pages: 69-76
      Abstract (PDF [1])     Full Article (PDF [4])     Full Article (HTML [0])
    9. Predictive roles of coping and resilience for the perceived stress in nurses
      Authors: Mróz J
      pages: 77-83
      Abstract (PDF [3])     Full Article (PDF [19])     Full Article (HTML [0])
    10. Evaluation of occlusion and orthodontic needs of thirteen-year-old children from
      Authors: Dargiewicz E,  Szarmach I, Kaczyńsk J, Buczko P
      pages: 84-92
      Abstract (PDF [1])     Full Article (PDF [6])     Full Article (HTML [1])
    11. Perception of the elderly by junior high school students and  university students in Poland
      Authors: Cybulski M,  Krajewska-Kulak E, Jamiolkowski J
      pages: 93-98
      Abstract (PDF [3])     Full Article (PDF [3])     Full Article (HTML [0])
    12. Influence of exposure to patient aggression and professional experience on the psychological condition of various groups of healthcare workers
      Authors: Kowalczuk  K, Klimaszewska K, Krajewska-Kułak E
      pages:  99-104
      Abstract (PDF [2])     Full Article (PDF [8])     Full Article (HTML [1])
    13. Obesity and its impact on the course of anesthesia
      Authors: Jańczuk K, Ślifirczyk A,  Krukowska M,  Kowalenko M
      pages: 105-111
      Abstract (PDF [1])     Full Article (PDF [3])     Full Article (HTML [0])
    14. Analysis of pathogenic fungi in the environment of Branicki Palace in Białystok 
      Authors: Łukaszuk C, Zaremba KP
      pages: 112-121
      Abstract (PDF [1])     Full Article (PDF [3])     Full Article (HTML [0])
    15. Preferred patient behaviours related to health
      Authors: Moczydłowska A, Krajewska-Kułak E, Kózka M,  Bielski K
      Pages: 122-133
      Abstract (PDF [2])     Full Article (PDF [3])     Full Article (HTML [0])
    16. Barriers to ocular tissue donation in acute clinical settings
      Authors: Prous M,  Ponto M 
      pages: 134-141
      Abstract (PDF [2])     Full Article (PDF [4])     Full Article (HTML [0])
    17. The anxiety levels in polish  hospital nurses experiencing various emotional disturbances
      Authors: Żuralska R, Anand JS,  Mziray M, Schetz D
      pages: 142-148
      Abstract (PDF [4])     Full Article (PDF [15])     Full Article (HTML [0])



    1. A comparative assessment of minors’ competence to consent to treatment in Polish and English law
      Authors: Bagan-Kurluta K,  Drozdowska U
      pages: 149-159
      Abstract (PDF [1])     Full Article (PDF [4])     Full Article (HTML [0])



    1. Anaphylaxis during peri-anesthetic period - review of research
      Authors: Dąbrowski S., Mędrzycka-Dąbrowska W., Wojtaszek M.
      pages: 160-164
      Abstract (PDF [2])     Full Article (PDF [4])     Full Article (HTML [0])
    2. Neuromobilization and kinesiotaping as modern methods used in physiotherapy
      Authors: Gałczyk M., Van Damme – Ostapowicz K.
      pages: 165-168
      Abstract (PDF [5])     Full Article (PDF [5])     Full Article (HTML [0])
    3. Physical activity of students from selected countries. Studies review.
      Authors: Bergier M.
      pages: 169-173
      Abstract (PDF [2])     Full Article (PDF [5])     Full Article (HTML [0])
    4. Television as a source of information on health and illness – review of benefits and problems
      Authors: Burzyńska J,  Binkowska-Bury M, Januszewicz P
      pages: 174-184
      Abstract (PDF [6])     Full Article (PDF [6])     Full Article (HTML [0])
    5. Aggression in children and adolescents in rural Poland - where to look for the cause?
      Authors: Malesińska M., Lewko J., Roszko-Kirpsza I., Marcinkiewicz S., Olejnik B.J., Maciorkowska E.
      pages: 185-192
      Abstract (PDF [1])     Full Article (PDF [5])     Full Article (HTML [0])
    6. Current aspects in postoperative cognitive dysfunctions, including otolaryngological procedures
      Authors: Rogowska A, Wygnał N, Simonienko K, Kwiatkowski M, Kuryga D
      pages: 193-199
      Abstract (PDF [1])     Full Article (PDF [5])     Full Article (HTML [0])
    7. Denticles – literature review
      Authors: Kisiel M, Laszewicz J, Frątczak P, Dąbrowska B, Pietruska M, Dąbrowska E.
      pages: 200-204
      Abstract (PDF [1])     Full Article (PDF [3])     Full Article (HTML [0])
    8. Nutrition and peritoneal dialysis patients
      Authors: Kourkouta L,  Monios A, Frantzana E, Iliadis Ch
      Pages: 205-210
      Abstract (PDF [2])     Full Article (PDF [6])     Full Article (HTML [0])



    1. On carriage, trauma and  " etre frappe' "
      Authors: Ohry A
      pages: 211-215
      Abstract (PDF [1])     Full Article (PDF [4])     Full Article (HTML [1])



    1. Female Genital Mutilation in light of Polish Criminal Law
      Authors: Banasik K
      pages: 216-228
      Abstract (PDF [3])     Full Article (PDF [4])     Full Article (HTML [0])
    2. The extent and manner of passing the information concerning the surgical implantation of cells, tissues or organs to the recipient of the transplant under the Polish law
      Authors: Huzarska D, Huzarska J
      pages: 229-236
      Abstract (PDF [5])     Full Article (PDF [12])     Full Article (HTML [0])



    1. A rare case of severe cognitive impairment which prolonged after first lacunar infarct in right internal capsule
      Authors: Katayama M, Shimizu Y; Fukunaga R
      pages: 237-240
      Abstract (PDF [1])     Full Article (PDF [5])     Full Article (HTML [0])
    2. Pathological external resorption caused by impacted tooth
      Authors: Dryl D., Słowik-Sułkowski M., Szarmach J., Karaszewski J., Stankiewicz A.
      pages: 241-244
      Abstract (PDF [2])     Full Article (PDF [4])     Full Article (HTML [0])



    1. The physiological impact of physical activity on psychological stress
      Authors: Habibzadeh N
      pages: 245-248
      Abstract (PDF [1])     Full Article (PDF [4])     Full Article (HTML [0])
    2. How dose walking exercise affect serum lipids in underweight female adults?
      Authors: Habibzadeh N
      pages: 249-252
      Abstract (PDF [2])     Full Article (PDF [2])     Full Article (HTML [0])