Medical University of Bialystok. Exam rules.
  • Updated 07.04.2021 by Zakład Biofizyki

    Exam rules

     Final Examination in Biophysics - procedure

    1. The test consists of 30 questions, including multiple choice questions, calculation problems, and free text questions.

    2. For each multiple-choice question, choose one best answer from the available options.

    3. Read the questions carefully to avoid misunderstanding .

    4. Problems/computational questions - these types of question requires you to solve a problem using calculations.
      When answering problems/ computational questions: write down the formulas or methods you’re going to use.
      Demonstrate your process. Even if your answer is wrong or incomplete, you may still get some points for your
      understanding of the process.

    5. You may use a calculator, provided that you bring your own and make sure  it works properly. Testing staff will not
      provide backup
      calculators or batteries. You may not share a calculator with another examinee.

    6. Calculators with built-in computer algebra systems; handheld, tablet, or laptop computers,
      including PDAs; electronic writing pads or pen-input devices; calculators built into cell phones or any other electronic
      communication devices are not allowed.

    7. You can’t speak to your peers.

    8. No materials or electronic devices shall be brought into the room or used at an examination except those authorized by
      the Examiner. Unauthorized materials include, but are not limited to: books, class notes, class aid sheets. Unauthorized
      electronic devices include, but are not limited to: cellular phones, laptop computers, calculators, MP3 players
      (such as an Ipod), Personal Digital Assistants (“PDA” such as a Palm Pilot or Blackberry), pagers, electronic dictionaries,
      Compact Disc Players, Mini Disc Players, Smart Watches and Smart Glasses.

    9. Cheating is an extremely serious infringement; cheaters will be removed from the exam room.

    10. Students receive the following grades for their exam scores:

    % of max. exam points


    0-59 %


    60 - 70%


    71 - 80%


    81 - 88%


    89 - 94%


    95 - 100%
