Medical University of Bialystok. News.
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    Medical University of Bialystok, Year 2017 in numbers…

    26.01.2018 16:35
    Author: Administrator UMB


    • Horizon 2020 program - the only grant in Poland from the European Union under the COFUND competition for the implementation of unique international Interdisciplinary PhD Studies in the field of biomedical research and biostatistics
    • over 20 million PLN raised from European funds for projects carried out jointly with entrepreneurs in the field of functional food research
    • nearly 100 grant applications (twice as much as in the previous year),  of  which 25 received funding from e.g:  MNiSW, NCBR, NCN, Nutricia Metabolics Research Fund, Pfizer, Polfarma, Boehringer Ingelheim, Era Cvd / NCBR
    • 131 million PLN from the Regional Operational Program for the Infrastructure Project of the Innovative Research Center in the field of prevention of civilization diseases and personalized medicine
    • an increase in the number of publications registered in the prestigious Web of Science base (there were 410 publications) and a high total Impact Factor, which amounted to 1145.902
    • Impact Factor Advances in Medical Sciences for 2016 was 1.364
    • almost 500 scientific trips and 100 students’ apprenticeships and internships to reputable foreign and domestic institutions
    • over 20 visiting professors and scientists from China, USA, Denmark
    • 808 academic teachers, including 120 professors, 148 associate professors and 376 doctors
    • over 5,000 students and PhD students (the highest number since the establishment of the university)
    • over 50 conferences and conventions organized by MUB
    • 5 pending patents and 2 UMB’s patents received
    • opening of the Medical Simulation Center -  a super-modern teaching facility where students can acquire practical skills
    • over 71 thousand hospitalized patients and 335 thousand patients treated in specialist outpatient clinics at the University Clinical Hospitals
    • completion of renovation of the Aula Magna UMB Auditorium and the Chapel of the Branicki Palace
    • over 26,000 visitors at the Museum of the History of Medicine and Pharmacy
    • over 9 million page views, 2 million sessions, 500 thousand users of the  website
    • 1,400 new “likes” on the UMB’s Fanpage
    • 1000 calls on Live-Chat
    • the first UMB Charity Ball


