PhD students will be involved in large-scale scientific projects carried out with excellent researchers from MUB, Center for Statistics (CenStat) of Hasselt University, Belgium; Center for Metabolomics and Bioanalysis (CEMBIO); University San Pablo-CEU, Madrid, Spain; Vienna Biocenter Core Facilities, Austria (VBCF); Fundación CNIC Carlos III-Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares, Spain (CNIC); and other international partners. Students will be obliged to complete the programme within 4 years (8 semesters), during which they will have an opportunity to attend multidisciplinary trainings, a variety of elective courses and take part in visits to foreign partner organisations laboratories. ESRs will be involved in original research projects leading to the PhD degree. The supervision will be provided by the senior academic staff, outstanding scientists from different European countries and will be in line with the research profile of the department involved.
At the stage of application each candidate will be obligated to indicate a thematic area of its interest. Thematic areas to choose from will be given as follows: