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    Nearly 200 people will attend Foreign Students in Poland 2023 Conference

    24.01.2023 13:52
    Author: Administrator UMB


    The annual conference of the series Foreign students in Poland - organized jointly as part of the "Study in Poland" program by the "Perspektywy" Educational Foundation, The Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland (CRASP) and the Medical University of Bialystok - will be held on February 9-10, 2023 in Bialystok. The conference is coordinated with the meeting of the CRASP Presidium and accompanying events - the following will be announced: winners of the "Interstudent 2023" competition for the best foreign student in Poland, as well as the "Stars of Internationalization 2023" Award Gala.

    For Poland, the internationalization of higher education and science is an important development factor, increasing the competitiveness of our universities. Conferences in the series "Foreign Students in Poland", organized annually for 16 years, are traditionally a place of a debate on the strategy and practice of internationalization. A distinctive trend of the 2023 conference will be the challenges of internationalization in a period of uncertainty caused by the brutal Russian aggression against Ukraine.

    It is a "must be" event for everyone involved in the internationalization of education! A common and consistent strategy of action of Polish universities in internationalization issues, based on mutual support, sharing experiences and good practices, is now particularly important.

    The conference will be organized in a hybrid formula - we offer two options of participation: on-site or online.

    We cordially invite rectors, vice-rectors, deans, directors and specialists from international cooperation offices and promotion offices, as well as representatives of municipal and provincial self-government authorities to participate in the conference - it will be an excellent opportunity to learn about the best Polish and foreign experiences in the field of development of internationalization of education higher in conditions of constant change and crises in the wider environment.

    On the eve of the conference, February 8 - we offer you an additional program. Accompanying events will be:

    • training for the university staff "Study in Poland" as part of the Academy of Internationalization
    • first environmental meeting on "Gender Equality Plans in the European Framework Calls, Horizon Europe".


    During the conference, a meeting of the CRASP Committee for International Cooperation and a meeting of universities interested in partnership in the “INCUBATING FREEDOM for Ukraine” program were also planned.

    During the evening Gala, the winners of the "INTERSTUDENT 2023" competition for the best foreign student in Poland and the winners of the "Stars of Internationalization 2023"-award honoring people with outstanding merits in the internationalization of Polish higher education will be announced.

    We cordially invite you to participate!


    Website of the Conference Foreign Students in Poland 2023


    The partner of the Conference Foreign Students in Poland 2023 is the Podlaskie Voivodeship, which we would like to thank for its support in the implementation of the project.

    logotyp województwo podlaskie, żubr z kolorowych pixeli

    The Gala Dinner and online streaming has been provided within the project entitled "The gates of MUB are always open. Support for the development of the Welcome Centre and the university's potential to serve foreign students and researchers". The project is financed by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange under the Welcome to Poland (2020) programme.

    Logotype of Polish National Aggency for Academic Exchange

