Dear students, doctoral students and future graduates of all faculties,
The Erasmus+ Office announces a last minute supplementary recruitment for mobilities for traineeship within the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme! All the necessary information can be found below.
Who can participate in a mobility for traineeship within the Erasmus+ Programme?
- As students – all students from the 2nd to the penultimate year of bachelor’s, master’s, or uniform master’s studies of all courses at the MUB,
- As graduates – students of the last year of bachelor’s, master’s or uniform master’s studies of all courses at the MUB.
To what institutions can you go to for a traineeship?
Your receiving institution could be:
- any public or private organisation active in the labour market or in the field of education, training, youth, research and innovations.
Examples of such institutions:
- public or private, small, medium or large company (including social enterprises);
- a public body at local, regional or national level;
- a research institute;
- a foundation;
- a school/institute/education centre;
- a non-profit organisation, an association, a non-governmental organisation.
- a higher education institution located in one of the EU Member States or third countries associated to the Programme, holding a valid ECHE card.
MUB does not have to have a signed contract with a given institution!
Which countries can you travel to?
You can travel to the EU Member States and third countries associated to the Programme:
Belgium, France, The Netherlands, Bulgaria, Croatia, Austria, Czech Republic, Italy, Denmark, Cyprus, Portugal, Germany, Latvia, Romania, Estonia, Lithuania, Slovenia, Ireland, Luxembourg, Slovakia, Greece, Hungary, Finland, Spain, Malta, Sweden, North Macedonia, Iceland, Norway, Serbia, Liechtenstein, Turkey.
What conditions must be met in order to be able to participate in the recruitment process?
- You must have a student / doctoral student status,
- You must be a student / doctoral student at the time of departure, and in the case of students, be a student of at least the 2nd year of bachelor’s or uniform master’s studies,
- (In the case of last-year students, who want to participate in a mobility as a graduate) you must submit the necessary documents during your last year of studies,
- You cannot be on dean’s leave or, in the case of doctoral studies, on an extension of studies,
- You didn’t exhaust your mobility capital,
- You must have an average grade from your entire study cycle higher than 3,5. In the case of first-year students of master’s programmes or doctoral students, the average grade from all years of the previous degree is taken into account,
- You must know the language in which your traineeship will be conducted to a degree that allows you to carry it out.
What documents have to be submitted to participate in the recruitment process?
- Application form for mobility for traineeship (Appendix no. 3 to the Regulations on the outgoing mobilities),
- Certificate of average grade from your entire study cycle on the relevant degree. In the case of first-year students of master’s programmes or doctoral students, the average grade from all years of the previous degree is taken into account,
- A document confirming language skills of the foreign language required by the receiving institution (particularly a certificate of language proficiency, a certificate from the Department of Foreign Languages or a certificate from a language school),
- If applicable, opinions from the supervisors of scientific groups, certificates of activity signed by the presidents of student organisations or MUB’ officials; in case of sport achievements, an opinion provided by the Department of Physical Education and Sport,
- (In the case of obligatory traineeships) opinion of the traineeship supervisor – Appendix no. 7 to the Regulations on outgoing mobilities,
- Letter of Intent (Appendix no. 8 to the Regulations on outgoing mobilities).
All required documents are available in the Documents to download tab:,24092/Documents_to_download and in the Regulations tab:,24403/Regulations
What’s the deadline for submitting documents?
Application documents should be submitted between September 1 and September 8, 2023.
What are the scholarship rates for mobilities for traineeship?
Information about the rates is available at the University's rules for financing of the Erasmus+ Programme tab:,24435/Universitys_rules_for_financing_of_the_Erasmus+_Programme
Exemplary rates to Group II countries:
- Short-term mobility, 2021 agreement: (from day 5 to day 14): 70 EUR/day, (from day 15 to day 30): 50 EUR/day
Where to submit documents:
Erasmus+ Office
Joanna Zadykowicz, MA
address: ul. Jana Kilińskiego 1, 15-089 Białystok, Polska
room no. 209, right wing of the Branicki Palace, 1st floor, entry D.
tel.: +48 85 686 53 37
working hours: Monday to Friday, 7:30-15:30
hours of reception of persons interested: Tuesday to Friday, 8:00-15:00
Erasmus+ Office
International Cooperation Department