Medical University of Bialystok. Rates.
  • Updated 13.02.2025 by Dział Współpracy Międzynarodowej


    Scholarship rates


    EU Member States and third countries associated to the programme, divided into groups:

    Agreements 2022 and 2023:

    Group 1: Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden;

    Group 2: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Malta, The Netherlands, Portugal, Spain;

    Group 3: Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Lithuania, Hungary, Latvia, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey.


    1) Students/PhD students

    Scholarship rates

    Agreement no. 2023-1-PL01-KA131-HED-000117219

    Type of mobility

    Rates by country group

    Group 1

    Group 2

    Group 3

    Studies (one semester or full academic year)

    670 EUR/month

    670 EUR/month

    600 EUR/month

    Long-term traineeship
    (from 2 to 12 months)

    820 EUR/month

    820 EUR/month

    750 EUR/month

    Short-term traineeship
    (up to 14 days)

    79 EUR/day

    79 EUR/day

    79 EUR/day

    Short-term traineeship
    (from day 15 to 30)

    56 EUR/day

    56 EUR/day

    56 EUR/day

    Agreement no. 2022-1-PL01-KA131-HED-000053719

    Type of mobility

    Rates by country group

    Group 1

    Group 2

    Group 3

    Short-term traineeship
    (up to 14 days)

    70 EUR/day

    70 EUR/day

    70 EUR/day

    Short-term traineeship
    (from day 15 to 30)

    50 EUR/day

    50 EUR/day

    50 EUR/day


    Travel support


    To the EU Member States or third countries associated to the programme

    To the third countries not associated to the programme

    To countries from Regions 13 and 14

    Short-term mobilities
    (from 5 to 30 days)


    Requires University’s approval


    Short-term mobilities for participants with fewer opportunities




    Long-term mobilities
    (from 2 to 12 months)


    Requires University’s approval


    Long-term mobilities for participants with fewer opportunities





    Travel support rates (if applicable)


    Top-up for travel

    „Green Travel” top-up

    from 10 to 99 km

    23 EUR per participant


    from 100 to 499 km

    180 EUR per participant

    210 EUR per participant

    from 500 to 1999 km

    275 EUR per participant

    320 EUR per participant

    from 2000 to 2999 km

    360 EUR per participant

    410 EUR per participant

    from 3000 to 3999 km

    530 EUR per participant

    610 EUR per participant

    from 4000 to 7999 km

    820 EUR per participant


    8000 km or more

    1500 EUR per participant


    Distance is calculated based on the following Distance Calculator:

    One-way distance is taken into account when calculating the rates!


    Exemplary calculations

    EXAMPLE 1:
    Type of mobility:

    Date: 05.10.2024 – 31.01.2025

    Number of days: 146 (4 months, 26 days)

    Destination: Bologna, Italy

    Agreement: 2023

    Means of transport: plane

    Monthly scholarship rate: 670 EUR

    Daily scholarship rate: 22,3 EUR


    (4 months x 670 EUR) + (26 days x 22,3 EUR) = 2 680 EUR + 581 EUR = 3 261 EUR


    EXAMPLE 2:

    Type of mobility: long-term traineeship

    Date: 01.07.2024 – 02.09.2024

    Number of days: 62 days

    Destination: Funchal, Portugal

    Agreement: 2023

    Means of transport: plane

    Monthly scholarship rate: 820 EUR

    Daily scholarship rate: 27,3 EUR


    (2 months x 820 EUR) + (2 days x 27,3 EUR) = 1 640 EUR + 55 EUR = 1 695 EUR


    EXAMPLE 3:

    Type of mobility: short-term traineeship

    Date: 01.07.2024 – 26.07.2024

    Online part: 27.07.2024

    Number of days: 26 days

    Destination: Messina, Italy

    Agreement: 2022

    Means of transport: plane

    Daily rate up to 14 days: 70 EUR

    Daily rate from day 15: 50 EUR


    (14 days x 70 EUR) + (12 days x 50 EUR) = 980 EUR + 600 EUR = 1 580 EUR


    2) Employees

    Scholarship rates

    Agreement 2023-1-PL01-KA131-HED-000117219

    Type of mobility

    Rates by country group

    Group 1

    Group 2

    Group 3

    Training / teaching
    (up to 14 days)

    180 EUR/day

    160 EUR/day

    140 EUR/day

    Training / teaching
    (from 15 to 60 days)

    126 EUR/day

    112 EUR/day

    98 EUR/day

    Agreement 2022-1-PL01-KA131-HED-000053719

    Type of mobility

    Rates by country group

    Group 1

    Group 2

    Group 3

    Training / teaching
    (up to 14 days)

    180 EUR/day

    160 EUR/day

    140 EUR/day

    Training / teaching
    (from 15 to 60 days)

    126 EUR/day

    112 EUR/ day

    98 EUR/day

    Travel support rates


    Top-up for travel

    „Green Travel” top-up

    from 10 to 99 km

    23 EUR per participant


    from 100 to 499 km

    180 EUR per participant

    210 EUR per participant

    from 500 to 1999 km

    275 EUR per participant

    320 EUR per participant

    from 2000 to 2999 km

    360 EUR per participant

    410 EUR per participant

    from 3000 to 3999 km

    530 EUR per participant

    610 EUR per participant

    from 4000 to 7999 km

    820 EUR per participant


    8000 km or more

    1500 EUR per participant


    Distance is calculated based on the following Distance Calculator:

    One-way distance is taken into account when calculating the rates!


    IMPORTANT! Staff/academic teachers do not receive any additional support for registration fees or other expenses related to the implementation of their mobility.


    Exemplary calculations

    EXAMPLE 1:

    Type of mobility: teaching

    Date: 05 – 31.10.2023

    Number of days: 26 days

    Destination: Bologna, Italy

    Agreement: 2022 or 2023

    Means of transport: plane

    Daily scholarship rate: 160 EUR (up to 14 days), 112 EUR (from 15 to 60 days)

    Travel support top-up: one-way distance to Bologna according to DC: 1289.51 km (range 500-1999 km) = 275 EUR


    (14 days x 160 EUR) + (12 days x 112 EUR) + 275 EUR = 2240 + 1344 + 275 = 3 859 EUR


    EXAMPLE 2:

    Type of mobility: training

    Date: 01-05.06.2023

    Number of days: 5 days

    Destination: Kosice, Slovakia

    Agreement: 2022 or 2023

    Means of transport: plane

    Daily scholarship rate: 140 EUR

    Travel support: one-way distance to Kosice according to DC: 508.81 km (range 500-1999 km) = 275 EUR


    (5 days x 140 EUR) + 275 EUR = 700 EUR + 275 EUR = 975 EUR


    EXAMPLE 3:

    Type of mobility: training

    Date: 01-05.06.2023

    Number of days: 5 days

    Destination: Kosice, Slovakia            

    Agreement: 2022 or 2023

    Means of transport: bus

    Daily scholarship rate: 140 EUR

    Travel support with the „Green travel” top-up: one-way distance to Kosice according to DC: 508.81 km (range 500-1999 km) = 320 EUR


    (5 days x 140 EUR) + 320 EUR = 700 EUR + 275 EUR = 1 020 EUR