Medical University of Bialystok. Białystok University of Technology (BUT), Poland.

  • Updated 07.04.2021 by Dział Rozwoju i Ewaluacji

    Białystok University of Technology (BUT), Poland

    BUT is the largest technical university in north-eastern Poland. It is a modern, rapidly groving institution with 65 years of experience educating researchers and technology experts.  At present, nearly 12000 students study at the 7 faculties, and over 600 staff work at the University. BUT is authorized to award doctoral degrees in 10 scientific disciplines and has been granted permission to confer post-doctoral (DSc) degrees in 5 scientific disciplines. BUT cooperates with 37 academic centres around the world under bilateral research agreements (89 such agreements exist at the moment). The proposed team, consisting of 2 researchers from the Faculty of Computer Science of BUT, will be responsible for delivery courses in (bio)statistics for ESRs.