Uniwersytet Medyczny w Białymstoku. Prace wygłoszone na konferencjach.
  • Ostatnia zmiana 15.02.2018 przez Studenckie Towarzystwo Naukowe

    Prace wygłoszone na konferencjach

    Prace wygłoszone na konferencjach:

    1. Impact of early-life nutrition on body composition and parameters of metabolic syndrome in children up to 3 years old.; Eliza Jabłońska; LXXI International Scientific and practical conference for students and young scientists "Topical problems of modern medicine and pharmacy 2017"; 30-31.03.2017 Charków, Białoruś; Eliza Jabłońska

    2. The effects of breastfeeding on body composition and parameters of metabolic syndrome in children.; Eliza Jabłońska; 12th Bialystok International Medical Congress for Young Scientists; 20-22.04.2017 Białystok; Eliza Jabłońska

    3. "Stabbed" in the kidney - a rare cause of hematuria in 13-year-old boy"; Alicja Liszewska, Joanna Bagińska; 12th Bialystok International Medical Congress for Young Scientists; 20-22.04.2017 Białystok; Alicja Liszewska

    4. Two-center study of risk factors involved in renal deterioration in MMC children by evaluation of kidneys ultrasound, voiding cystourethrogram and urodynamics; Joanna Bagińska, Alicja Liszewska 12th Bialystok International Medical Congress for Young Scientists; 20-22.04.2017 Białystok; Joanna Bagińska

    5. Markers of endothelial dysfunction and atherosclerosis in hypertensive pediatric patients; Natalia Wasilewska   12th Bialystok International Medical Congress for Young Scientists; 20-22.04.2017 Białystok; Natalia Wasilewska

    6. Micturition disorders as the first symptom of multiple pituitary hormone deficiency caused by craniopharyngioma - case report  Klaudia Berk, Małgorzata Powirtowska; 3rd International Lublin Medical Congress; 02-03.12.2016 Lublin; Klaudia Berk

    7. "Stabbed" in the kidney - rare cause of hematuria in 13-year-old boy; Alicja Liszewska; 13th Warsaw International Medical Congress for Young Scientists  11-14.05.2017 Warszawa; Alicja Liszewska

    8. Can Aquaporin-2 be considered a marker of bladder function in children with neurogenic bladder? - a physiological rola and modifying factors Alicja Liszewska, Joanna Bagińska 25th International Medical Students’ Conference; Kraków, 27-29.04.2017; Alicja Liszewska

    9. Antioxidant status in children with neurogenic bladder: Is antioxidant supplementation worth considering? Alicja Liszewska, Joanna Bagińska, 23rd International Student Congress of (bio)Medical Sciences ISCOMS 2016 07-10.06.2016 Groningen Holandia, Alicja Liszewska

    10. Pre-transplantation analysis of kidney-receiving pediatric population in north-eastern Poland, Alicja Liszewska, Joanna Bagińska; 11th YES Meeting - Young European Scientists Meeting, 16-18.09.2016 Porto, Portugalia, Alicja Liszewska

    11. The role of vitamin D replacement  therapy in serum FGF23 concentration in children with myelomeningocele in comparison to healthy children.;  Joanna Bagińska, Alicja Liszewska 11th YES Meeting - Young European Scientists Meeting;  16-18.09.2016 Porto, Portugalia, Joanna Bagińska

    12. Influence of increased physical activity on BMI, blood pressure values and lipid profile in overweight and obese children and adolescents. Magdalena Dymińska, Natalia Wasilewska, Łukasz Szczerbiński 27-th European Students’ Conference 28.09-1.10.2016 Berlin, Germany, Magdalena Dymińska

    13. Antioxidant status in children with neurogenic bladder - is antioxidant supplementation worth considering? Alicja Liszewska, Joanna Bagińska, 54th Polish and 12th International Annual Training & Scientific Medical Congress of Students' Scientific Society and Junior Doctors Juvenes Pro Medicina 2016, 22-23.04.2016 Łódź, Alicja Liszewska

    14. Renal parameters and antioxidant status in children with neurogenic bladder - role of physical activity and lower urinary tract function. Alicja Liszewska, Joanna Bagińska, 11th Bialystok International Medical Congress for Young Scientists, 05-07.05.2016 Białystok, Alicja Liszewska

    15. Vesicouretheral reflux treatment – retrospective analysis. Joanna Bagińska, Alicja Liszewska, 11th Bialystok International Medical Congress for Young Scientists, 05-07.05.2016 Białystok, Joanna Bagińska

    16. Urinary angiotensinogen and plasma active renin in obese pediatric patients. Natalia Wasilewska, Magdalena Dymińska, 11th Bialystok International Medical Congress for Young Scientists, 05-07.05.2016 Białystok, Natalia Wasilewska

    17. Influence of increased physical activity on BMI, blood pressure values and lipid profile in overweight and obese children and adolescents. Magdalena Dymińska, Natalia Wasilewska, Łukasz Szczerbiński, 11th Bialystok International Medical Congress for Young Scientists, 05-07.05.2016 Białystok, Magdalena Dymińska

    18. Expectations and reality of prenatal in utero treatment of urethral atresia – case report.     Eliza Jabłońska, Eliza Dąbrowska, Tomasz Bielonko, Anna Samluk, Aleksandra Sikorska, Karol Sawicki, 11th Bialystok International Medical Congress for Young Scientists, 05-07.05.2016 Białystok,  Eliza Jabłońska

    19. Prevalence of hypertension and impaired renal function in children with unilateral renal agenesis. Anna Samluk, Tomasz Bielonko, Aleksandra Sikorska, Eliza Jabłońska, Eliza Dąbrowska , Karol Sawicki, 11th Bialystok International Medical Congress for Young Scientists; 05-07.05.2016 Białystok, Anna Samluk

    20. Metabolic risk factors in children with nephrolithiasis. Małgorzata Kiluk, Barbara Orlińska, Agnieszka Kalinowska, 11th Bialystok International Medical Congress for Young Scientists 05-07.05.2016 Białystok, Małgorzata Kiluk

    21. Is a child with increased blood pressure at physician’s office always hypertensive? Martyna Kowalik, Mateusz Żaboklicki, Martyna Kryza, 11th Bialystok International Medical Congress for Young Scientists; 05-07.05.2016 Białystok, Martyna Kowalik

    22. Does Vitamin D replacement therapy influence serum FGF 23 concentration in children with myelomeningocele? Joanna Bagińska, Alicja Liszewska, International Medical Students’ Conference; Kraków, 14 - 16.04.2016, Joanna Bagińska




    1. Impact of early-life nutrition on body composition and parameters of metabolic syndrome in children up to 3 years old, Eliza Jabłońska LXXI International Scientific and practical conference for students and young scientists "Topical problems of modern medicine and pharmacy 2017", 30-31.03.2017 Charków, Białoruś, Eliza Jabłońska - 2.miejsce

    2. The effects of breastfeeding on body composition and parameters of metabolic syndrome in children, Eliza Jabłońska, 12th Bialystok International Medical Congress for Young Scientists, 20-22.04.2017 Białystok, Eliza Jabłońska - 2. miejsce w Pediatrics Session

    3. "Stabbed" in the kidney - a rare cause of hematuria in 13-year-old boy, Alicja Liszewska, Joanna Bagińska, 12th Bialystok International Medical Congress for Young Scientists, 20-22.04.2017 Białystok, Alicja Liszewska - 2. miejsce w Case Reports II Session

    4. "Stabbed" in the kidney - rare cause of hematuria in 13-year-old boy, Alicja Liszewska, 13th Warsaw International Medical Congress for Young Scientists, 11-14.05.2017 Warszawa, Alicja Liszewska - 1. miejsce w Pediatric Case Report Session

    5. Markers of endothelial dysfunction and atherosclerosis in hypertensive pediatric patients, Natalia Wasilewska, 12th Bialystok International Medical Congress for Young Scientists, 20-22.04.2017 Białystok, Natalia Wasilewska - 1. wyróżnienie w Pediatrics Session

    6. Antioxidant status in children with neurogenic bladder - is antioxidant supplementation worth considering? Alicja Liszewska, Joanna Bagińska 22-23.04.2016 Łódź, 54th Polish and 12th International Annual Training & Scientific Medical Congress of Students' Scientific Society and Junior Doctors Juvenes Pro Medicina 2016 –I miejsce w sesji Pediatrics, Alicja Liszewska

    7. Expectations and reality of prenatal in utero treatment of urethral atresia – case report. Eliza Jabłońska, Eliza Dąbrowska, Tomasz Bielonko, Anna Samluk, Aleksandra Sikorska, Karol Sawicki

    5-07.05.2016 Białystok, 11th Bialystok International Medical Congress for Young Scientists– II miejsce w sesji Case reports, Eliza Jabłońska

    8. Does Vitamin D replacement therapy influence serum FGF 23 concentration in children with myelomeningocele? Joanna Bagińska, Alicja Liszewska, International Medical Students’ Conference, Kraków, April 14 - 16th 2016 III wyróżnienie, Joanna Bagińska

    9. Renal parameters and antioxidant status in children with neurogenic bladder - role of physical activity and lower urinary tract function. Alicja Liszewska, Joanna Bagińska, 5-07.05.2016 Białystok, 11th Bialystok International Medical Congress for Young Scientists - I  wyróżnienie w Pediatrics Session, Alicja Liszewska

    10. Urinary angiotensinogen and plasma active renin in obese pediatric patients. Natalia Wasilewska, Magdalena Dymińska, 5-07.05.2016 Białystok, 11th Bialystok International Medical Congress for Young Scientists - I wyróżnienie, Natalia Wasilewska