Medical University of Bialystok. Syllabuses for the education cycle starting in the academic year 2024/2025 .
  • Updated 21.11.2024 by English Division

    Syllabuses for the education cycle starting in the academic year 2024/2025

    1st year

    1. Biophisics
    2. Biochemistry
    3. Chemistry
    4. First Aid and Nursing
    5. Histology cytophysiology and embryology
    6. Anatomy and Integrated Anatomy
    7. Information Technology
    8. Medical Polish/English
    9. Sociology in Medicine
    10. Fundamentals of Preventive Medicine
    11. History of Medicine
    12. Elective courses
    13. Occupational, safety and health
    14. Physical Education
    15. Clerkship

    2nd year

    1     Physiology

    2.    Microbiology

    3.    Parasitology

    4.    Biostatistics

    5.    Epidemiology

    6    Pathomorphology I

    7.    Immunology

    8.    Molecular Biology

    9.   Professionalism in Medicine

    10.  Medical Psychology

    11.  Medical Polish/English

    12.  Regenerative Medicine

    13.  Elective course

    14. Toxicology

    15. Pediatrics

    16.  Physical Education

    17.  Clerkship

    3rd year

    1. Pathophysiology
    2. Pathomorphology II
    3. Pharmacology
    4. Laboratory Medicine
    5. Surgery
    6. Internal Medicine
    7. Pediatrics
    8. Neonatology with neonatal intensive care

    9. Oncology
    10. Rehabilitation
    11. Maxillofacial surgery
    12. Professionalism in Medicine
    13. Elective  courses
    14. Clerkship



    4th year

    1. Neurolgy
    2. Infectious Diseases
    3. Dermatology and Venereology
    4. Ophthalmology
    5. Surgery
    6. Internal Medicine
    7. Pediatrics
    8. Pediatrics Orthopedics and Traumatology
    9. Orthopedics and Traumatology
    10. Nuclear Medicine
    11. Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging
    12. Emergency Medicine
    13. Public Health
    14. Genetics
    15. Elective course
    16. Clerkship

    5th year

      1. Forensic Medicine
      2. Medical Law
      3. Oncology
      4. Paliative Medicine
      5. Otolaryngology
      6. Clinical Pharmacology
      7. Anesthesiology and Intensive Care
      8. Anesthesiology and Intensive Care for Children and Adolescents

      9. Psychiatry
      10. Family Medicine
      11. Surgery
      12. Gynecology and Obstetrics
      13. Internal Medicine
      14. Pediatrics
      15. Neurosurgery
      16. Pediatric Surgery
      17. Urology
      18. Geriatrics
      19. Professionalism in Medicine
      20. Medical Ethics
      21. Elective courses
      22. Clerkship

    6th year

    • Psychiatry
    • Family medicine
    • Pediatrics
    • Surgery
    • Gynecology and Obstetrics
    • Internal medicine
    • Emergency Medicine
    • Chosen clinical course